Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Beirut Exchange Programs

In an effort to further its commitment to promoting dialogue and understanding, is pleased to announce the third and fourth "Beirut Exchange" programs. Our third program will take place between March 21 and March 30, 2009 while our fourth program will take place between June 10 and June 24, 2009. You can find details of our programs at:

March Beirut Exchange:

June Beirut Exchange:

To view Cal Perry's CNN report on the Beirut Exchange, visit:

The March Beirut Exchange program rests on two tracks:

Academic - Participants will attend a series of lectures and colloquia led by leading academics and public intellectuals. Topics will include: International law in theory and practice in the Middle East; The United Nations as peacekeeper and mediator; Engaging political Islam; Pax Syriana in Lebanon; Asymmetrical conflict: the July 2006 Lebanon war; The Dubai model and its impact on the Middle East.

Dialogue with Leaders - Participants will have the opportunity to meet, listen and engage social, political and economic leaders from across the spectrum in Lebanon – with a particular (though not exclusive) emphasis on exposure to leading Islamist and opposition currents.
(Note: the June Beirut Exchange includes an Arabic Language track)

Previous Speakers: •Omar Bakri, Iqra Islamic Trust for Research and Islamic Studies•Bilal Baroudi, As-Salam Mosque Tripoli•Nicholas Blanford, Times of London•Richard Chambers, International Foundation for Electoral Systems •Alastair Crooke, Conflicts Forum •Robert Fisk, The Independent •Timur Goksel, American University of Beirut •Judith Palmer Harik, Matn University•Nadim Houry, Human Rights Watch •Rami Khoury, American University of Beirut •Karim Makdisi, American University of Beirut •Michael Miller, European Commission •Ibrahim Mussawi, Al-Intiqad •Nir Rosen, Journalist •Osama Safa, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies •Paul Salem, Carnegie Middle East Center •Milos Struger, UNIFIL•Mohammed Zadah, Iranian Embassy

Costs: $1,200 (Tuition); $1,200 (Estimated accommodation and airfare from the European Union. Please note that only breakfast is provided as a part of the accommodation fee). All academic programming will take place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hamra, Beirut. Tuition is 70% refundable up to three days before the program commences, should the situation in Lebanon warrant a cancellation. (Airline tickets and accommodation should be purchased with travel insurance.)

Apply before February 15, 2008 for the March Beirut Exchange: To request a downloadable application or financial aid information, please email

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