The Blog for the University of Denver's M.A. in International and Intercultural Communication Program
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Human Trafficking Clinic Job Opportunity
Friday, May 28, 2010
New Album by IIC Alum Mark Hagar
Thursday, May 20, 2010
2010 International Essay Contest
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My first year with IIC - a current student's reflections
Funding Deadline for June
Dr. Karambu Ringera

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Second Annual Appropriate Technologies Expo!
11am-2pm inside and outside BCH
Organizations will be showcasing the innovative technologies being used around the world for health, water and agriculture, construction, and alternative energy! Tables will be set up around Korbel all day, and several organizations will be giving presentations on their work (see schedule and descriptions below).
Please come by, grab some food, and check out what is being done in the field of appropriate technology!
**NEW addition to the speaker schedule!!!
Speaker Schedule:
11:00am-11:30am Robert Youngberg, President of Trailblazer Foundation will present on Biosand Water Filters
11:30am-Noon Dr.Linda Smith, Director of Filters For Families will give a demonstration of the SONO Water Filter for arsenic, pathogen, and virus removal
Noon-12:45pm Brad Wells, Steve Riley of TSC Global will give a presentation on the application of hypar roofing technology in refugee housing construction in the Sudan.
12:45pm-1:30pm Jon Becker (President) and Patrick Flynn (Sustainability Consultant) of Trees, Water, & People will give presentations on their Forest-Saving Stoves Program in Central America and solar home heating systems in Native American Reservations in the Northern Great Plains
1:30pm-2pm Zubaida Bai, Director of AYZH will present on AYZH’s Clean Delivery Birth Kit, a hygiene kit for rural midwives to deliver babies for post natal health
Trailblazer Foundation provides training and appropriate technology, in order to empower rural villagers to create self-sustaining programs. Our focus includes water projects, school construction, and community development in order to foster healthy families, sufficient food, and sustainable incomes.
Filters for Families is a local organization working in Nepal to reduce exposure to arsenic and other harmful pathogens found naturally in the groundwater. Filters for Families distributes gagri (pot) and biosand filters that reduce up to 90% of arsenic, helping to make clean drinking water available for families and improving health throughout Nepal.
TSC Global is a local organization pioneering Thin-Shell Composite, a highly durable, yet flexible latex-infused mortar that can be used to create superior roofing. This "hypar roofing" is structurally self-supporting, low-cost, and quickly and easily made, ideal for rapid shelter construction in IDP and refugee settlements. TSC Global is currently using TSC hypar roofing in Rwanda and is developing contracts in Haiti and Sudan.
Trees, Water & People is Fort Collins-based organization founded by a group of dedicated conservationists who feel strongly about helping communities to protect, conserve, and manage the natural resources upon which their long-term well-being depends. Their work is guided by two core beliefs: (1) That natural resources are best protected when local people play an active role in their care and management; and (2) preserving local trees, wetlands, and watersheds is essential for the ongoing social, economic, and environmental health of communities everywhere. TWP develops and manages continuing reforestation, watershed protection, renewable energy, appropriate technology, and environmental education programs in Latin America and the American West.
AYZH is a social venture looking through the eyes of women to identify the tools they want and need to help improve their standard of living. AYZH serves the needs of impoverished women worldwide by bringing them affordable appropriate technologies that increase income and/or improve health. AYZH operates an innovative business model that connects a rural woman’s health and livelihood with products designed to meet her needs. AYZH sets up supply chains for local manufacturing to keep costs low and boost economic opportunity.